Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nepal Loves Me (Ezekiel)

It's like I was made for Nepal!  The people here love me!  I wave to them, and they squeal and grin and wave back, even when they are driving.  They call me Babu, and they think it is super cute when I repeat that.  They pinch my cheeks a lot.  That seems to really stress out my brother, but come on, Isaiah, we're cute.  You have to give the people what they want.  Sometimes they try to pick me up and take me places, which sort of cramps my style, but they eventually put me back down and laugh as I run off.

Mom seems surprised, but I chug the milk here.  We get to make it ourselves!  How cool is that?  Sometimes Mom lets me stir.  People feed me lots of good food here, and I would drink the tea all day long if Mom would let me!

There are dogs everywhere!  And other animals, too!  Right out on the street.  Mom doesn't let me touch them.

Mom seems less concerned with me getting dirty than she used to be.  Maybe she figures it's a losing battle, but I pretty much now get to stay covered in a nice layer of dirt most of the time.  Then sometimes I go in a big bucket to get washed.

I even like the medicine here better!  I would never take that stuff from America, all flavored up and weird.  Now, this stuff here...this stuff I will take.  

The taxis and buses are my favorite!  I don't have to sit in a car seat.  They almost never even have seat belts!  That is the way to ride!  They do make me sleepy, though.  I mean, it is so soothing.  There is a constant hum of various noises and a good strong rocking up and down and all around...Who wouldn't fall asleep?!  There is one stretch of road especially that gets me every time.  At the bottom of the hill we live on, there is this stretch of road with no smoothness in sight.  Big giant bumps for at least a mile.  It shakes me right to sleep.

I think I might be part Nepali in a white shell.